CSA share Group B and Salmon Creek It’s Week 3

Here is whats in your share this week. Sorry I didn’t have this out in time.

A stomach bug got to my little 2 year old Friday morning and I think she is on the mend now. I sometimes forget how independent my littlest one is until she is sick and then she even calls me mommy instead of the normal mama. she is better and no one else got sick in the house and that is always great. When i have days where a child is sick I need help to be in the field as I am to busy to get away for the work the field needs and I don’t want to work in the field with any potential contamination. It reminded me how cautious we are to keep our field greens safe and when we go to harvest on Monday we will wash everything and we sanitize ourselves and the bins frequently. After years of restaurants with high standards for being clean I think we have kept lots of habits tat not all farms have. Extra thanks to Dillons’ uncle Tim and Dillons’ Dad for helping move over this kitchen and helping in the field so i could be in with June.

All the pictures below will have a link to a recipe that I have used and enjoy. Hope that these veggies get you inspired to make awesome food with awesome food!

Garnet Giant Mustard Green
Ok, this time I went to a site with 10 different recipes for just tatsoi. you will likely get this green a few times.
I hope you enjoy trying it different ways.
Romaine Jericho (this recipe is one I use with tofu and could be easily changed to pork if you like the great thing is that you will have a good size romaine and this will not use all the romaine. I use just a d=few outer leaves and for the inner heart I grill it try this recipe
Galisse Lettuce
Red Russian Kale for breakfast
Broccoli and Greens
In this recipe they use broccoli and kale greens just use the broccoli greens with the broccoli if you want
Pink Beauty Radish bet you didn’t think butter..
Radish Greens

A note about pickup at HUB. the Salmon Creek market takes both of us to setup and break down so it takes a little longer to get to Hopworks. I don;t end up getting there until 4:15 PM If you need to get your share before then I can have it ready in a bag for you and tell the Hopworks Hostess and they can get it for you. Otherwise see you then.

Don’t forget to use first the leafy greens,

  1. Chop the tops of the radishes make the pesto and save it for later
  2. Use the Galisse lettuce next
  3. Use the Romaine
  4. Use the Mustard greens
  5. Use the Tatsoi
  6. Use the Broccoli
  7. Use the Kale
  8. Use the radishes and maybe the dill together

Some of the recipes can be combined to one days meals a breakfast and lunch and dinner all from the farm.

Feel free to share what you make on the FB group Not in the Group here is how to join us!

Post pictures of your share on Instagram We love to brag together about our awesome members and your amazing kitchen skills. we may grow it but you make it look good.

Thanks again you are all amazing!

Published by Dilish Farm

We are a small urban farm, working towards teaching our members the core of eating seasonally. Eating whats really fresh and changing the way we think about the foods we eat. We use a regenerative method of farming with sustainability built into our core.

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