Farmer Bio

Dillon Is the Big Dil of Dilish Farm

Dirt and plant Enthusiast

Ever look at the tag on your veggies and wonder where did this come from. Who are the people crazy enough to grow these strange veggies?

Dillon has a unique ability to care for the earth and all the things around him. He takes great pride in being a steward of the soil out here and making the best habitat for the microbiology that’s hard at work to build the ecosystem that makes our veggies so healthy.

Some of what Farmer Dillon does.
  • Plans the rotation of crops for the CSA season ahead.
  • Seeds all the plants on the farm.
  • Builds all the beds for the veggies to grow in.
  • Constructs all high tunnels and green houses.
  • Cooks all the produce we grow and finds new recipes for our members
  • Reduces weeds and keeps out the deer bunnies and bugs by hands on methods daily
  • Harvest washes and packs all the produce for members and markets.